Voter Targeting Game Plan Announcement

WPA Intelligence Voter Targeting Game Plans are now available to give campaigns at all levels a strategic advantage in voter targeting by identifying exactly who campaigns need to persuade, and who they need to motivate.

Designed by WPAi Data Scientists using machine learning and predictive analytics, these models are an advancement over basic voter data and can be seamlessly incorporated into your voter targeting efforts.

Campaign Effectively, On A Budget:

Starting at $2,500 for a Congressional District, $1,000 for a State Legislative District or County Seat, and $500 for a School Board District, these Game Plans will make your campaign smarter and more effective.

Target Beyond Voter Registration:

The parties have undergone fundamental shifts in the past decade, but voters rarely change their registration – they just vote differently. These models capture the demographic shifts in the electorate better than simply relying on what is available on the voter file.

Past Voter History Will Only Get You So Far: 

These models identify who is likely to turnout this November based on past voter history plus consumer data to find those voters who might be more (or less) motivated to turnout this year.

Use Key Issues To Motivate And Persuade:

Each Voter Targeting plan comes with an issue model overlay relevant to your campaign, and there are additional add-on options available for purchase.

What You Get:

  • Likely turnout in your district with a vote goal.
  • Universes dividing the entire electorate into 14 targeting universes to help prioritize outreach.
  • Recommendations for when and how to engage with each universe.
  • An issue model identifying voters who are likely to support a key issue for the 2024 campaign. (Ex: Securing the border for Federal candidates, prosecuting crime for state and local, and parental rights for school board campaigns)
  • Options to add on additional issues or flags.  
  • list of every voter in your district with names, mailing addresses, and reliable phone numbers.
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