
Poll Shows Trump Holding on to Working Class Voters Against Joe Biden

Poll Shows Trump Holding on to Working Class Voters Against Joe Biden
By John Nolte
Breitbart News
May 13, 2019

The latest polling of six key battleground states shows President Trump holding on to his working-class base against former Vice President Joe Biden.

After Biden announced his presidential bid, WPA Intelligence conducted a poll of Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and found Trump leading overall in those six states by a margin of 46 to 44 percent, reports the Washington Examiner.

In the individual states, Trump leads in four: Wisconsin (46 to 42 percent), Florida (48 to 44 percent), Iowa (49 to 44 percent), and Texas (49 to 42 percent).

In Pennsylvania, Trump is down only by a single point (45 to 46 percent). In Michigan, he is down three points (42 to 45 percent).

Within the poll, Trump is only down three with independents (40 to 43 percent). But among blue-collar voters (no college education with income under $75,000), Trump is up 26 points, and that is one group of voters Biden is counting on to become the next president.

Overall, within all six states, Trump ties Biden for women aged 18-54 (46 percent each) and beats Biden with women 55 and older (46 to 41 percent).

Trump enjoys a ten-point lead with men 18-54 (51 to 41 percent) and a three-point lead with men over 55 (47 to 44 percent).

The poll was taken between April 27-30 and surveyed 200 likely voters in each of the six states. No margin of error is available.

The good news for Trump is that he is holding on to his base and winning in several key states.

What’s more, Trump is easily within striking distance (or ahead) in the states he will need to win re-election against an opponent (Biden) who has not been tested yet, who has barely engaged in battle, who is an untouched and unsullied cipher, as opposed to a candidate with real proposals, policies, and a vision.

When you look at the wringer Trump has been run through over the last three years and still see him doing this well against Barack Obama’s former vice president, a man who is only speaking platitudes and has yet to face any real opposition — either in the Democrat primary or from Trump — that does not bode well for Biden, who tends to collapse into a gaffetastic puddle of goo once the pressure mounts.

As a much younger and more vibrant man, Biden, who turns 78 this year, has twice run for president (1988 and 2008) only to flame out each and every time.

If nothing else, this poll shows that Trump has a firm grip on his working-class base. This is undoubtedly due to Trump’s successful economic policies and his undaunted crusade to keep his promises (from China to opioids to illegal immigration), even in the face of relentless media criticism. As president, Trump has not forgotten who brought him to the dance.

Also helping Trump is the debunking of the Russia Collusion Hoax. This removed the cloud over his presidency, and now, Trump is seen as a “normal” president, a man duly elected as opposed to a cheater and virus planted by the Russians.

This means Trump will be seen more and more just like every incumbent is seen, as a sitting president who will be judged on his record. If the economy holds through next year, this will bode well for Trump as it has for every incumbent president running on a good economy.

All Democrats will have to run on is their idea of “decency,” but ask Bob Dole how well that worked in 1996 or Hillary Clinton how well it worked in 2016.

And what does Biden have to offer the working class, who were forgotten and even sneered at during the Obama-Biden years? Are America’s working class really going to want to go back in time to the same Obama era that wrote them off as “bitter clingers,” that said their jobs are gone and not coming back, that told them to learn computer coding?

What the working class see in Trump is something they have not seen from Republicans or Democrats in decades — someone who actually cares about them and who is fighting every single day for them. Biden has no record to run on in this regard. The Obama years were a disaster for the working class. He can swagger around with anecdotes about riding on the train, but that is symbolic nonsense compared to Trump renegotiating NAFTA and battling with China over tariffs.

Someday Biden will have to come out of his crouch, stop sitting on his lead in the Democrat primary, and actually start engaging, communicating, explaining, and being more than just a  symbol. But that is what makes this poll so fascinating — even in that ideal position (which cannot last), Trump is in good shape to beat CreepySleepy Joe.

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Trump Captures Biden’s Blue-Collar, Older Voter Base

Trump captures Biden’s blue-collar, older voter base
By Paul Bedard
Washington Examiner
May 12, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s hope of riding the support of blue-collar workers and older voters to the White House has hit a wall called President Trump.

In a survey of key battleground states conducted after Biden entered the 2020 Democratic primary, Trump not only has a 46%-44% edge, but he has a 26-point lead among non-college educated workers earning $75,000 or less, considered the blue-collar base and a Biden target.

What’s more, the battleground state survey from WPA Intelligence showed that Trump does better with Biden’s other main support group, older voters, and has a 48%-44% lead over Biden in Florida, dubbed the Democrat’s “firewall.”

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“Biden may be a blue-collar guy, but that doesn’t mean the policies of the left or the Democratic brand will suddenly recover with blue-collar voters,” said WPA Intelligence CEO Chris Wilson.

“President Trump has done a good job both rhetorically, and with policy, making it clear that he cares about working class Americans to the extent that these voters should be considered Trump base voters,” added Wilson.

Wilson’s survey was the latest to also show a Trump recovery in the suburbs and with women.

His poll not only tested the presidential rankings in states Trump won in 2016 — Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Texas, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — but also Trump’s trade policies and handling of a fight with Qatar over subsidizing its Qatar Airways and flooding U.S. routes in violation of an open-skies agreement that shuns subsidized airlines.

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It found support for Trump on trade, despite complaints about tariffs, by a 51%-42% margin, another key advantage for the president moving into 2020.

Late last week, when the survey was provided to the Examiner, Secrets wrote about the Qatar elements of the poll that suggested Trump take a hard line with Qatar. Examiner senior political correspondent David M. Drucker reported on the 2020 horse race numbers.

Overall in four of the six states, Trump is beating Biden by margins similar to his victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016. In two others, he is within the margin of error.

  • Florida it is Trump over Biden 48%-44%.
  • Iowa Trump, 49%-Biden 44%.
  • Texas Trump, 49%-Biden 42%.
  • Wisconsin, Trump 46%-Biden 42%.
  • Pennsylvania, Trump 45%-Biden 46%.
  • Michigan. Trump 42%-Biden 45%.

“People who are writing off Trump because of his approval rating or because of the mid-terms might be in for a big surprise — again,” said Republican pollster Wilson.

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GOP Poll Reassuring for Trump in Key States but Offers Warning About Michigan

GOP poll reassuring for Trump in key states but offers warning about Michigan
By David M. Drucker
Washington Examiner
May 11, 2019

President Trump holds critical advantages in a collection of key 2020 battlegrounds, according to fresh data from a Republican pollster.

Trump’s approval rating was 50% or higher in four of six states tested — Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Texas — and 49% in Wisconsin. In Texas, Trump led Democrat Beto O’Rourke, a former congressman from El Paso vying for his party’s presidential nomination, in a hypothetical matchup. In Iowa, a perennial swing state, Trump topped former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic front-runner. In both states, the president garnered the support of 49% of poll respondents.

The survey, commissioned by an industry advocacy group and provided to the Washington Examiner, revealed a few red flags for Trump, mostly in Michigan, whose Electoral College votes are crucial to the president’s reelection prospects.

There, the president’s job approval was 45%, with 50% disapproving. Meanwhile, Trump was supported by a paltry 42% of poll respondents when asked to choose between him and Biden. Additionally, only a plurality, 47%, approved of the job Trump is doing on “securing fair trade deals,” a key issue in the Midwest. In each of the other five states tested, Trump scored at least 50% approval on that question.

The poll surveyed 1,200 likely voters April 27-30 across Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. It was conducted by WPA Intelligence on behalf of Americans for Fair Skies, a political nonprofit urging the federal government to enforce trade agreements related to the airline industry. WPA Intelligence advised Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, during his 2016 campaign.

Overall, the margin of error was 2.8 percentage points, a figure generally considered reliable. However, each state measured, with a sample of 200 likely voters, had a relatively high margin of error of 6.9 points. Americans for Fair Skies purposely commissioned this poll of states important to Trump’s reelection in a bid to catch the president’s attention on a trade dispute American carriers are embroiled in with airlines being subsidized by Qatar.

That’s why the poll asked, “Do you support or oppose efforts to ensure the federal government takes strong and immediate action to stop Qatar Airways from violating this international agreement that gives them an advantage over U.S. airlines and is putting American jobs at stake?”

Sixty-six percent of respondents said they would support such efforts.

But beyond this sort of industry-specific data, the poll included a trove of information that could offer clues about 2020. For instance:

  • Across Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin, Trump’s approval is strongest among Republicans (91%), conservatives (82%), and voters without a college education making less than $75,000 (59%).”
  • Across the same states, Trump’s approval with rural voters was 54%; was 49% with suburban voters; weak with “moderates” — a low 29%; and a respectable 46% with independents.
  • In a potential matchup with Biden, Trump led in Florida 48% – 44%; in Iowa 49% – 44%; in Texas 49% – 42%; and in Wisconsin 46% – 42%. However, Biden topped Trump in Michigan 45% – 42%, and in Pennsylvania, where the former vice president launched his campaign, 46% – 45%.

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Trouble for CNN Over Terror Nation Ties to TV Analysts

Trouble for CNN over terror nation ties to TV analysts
By Paul Bedard
Washington Examiner
May 10, 2019

A report highlighted by Donald Trump Jr. that some CNN national security analysts have undisclosed ties to a Middle Eastern nation that sponsors terrorism threatens to undercut the network’s support among Democrats and independents, according to a new survey.

A poll of six battleground states found that likely voters, especially Democrats, believe the report, the latest evidence that President Trump’s attacks on CNN have had an impact.

The survey from WPA Intelligence came after Conservative Review revealed the undisclosed ties of CNN national security “regulars” to Qatar, a sponsor of terrorism.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted the story out, adding, “Shocked to hear this. Many of CNN’s national security analysts have undisclosed ties to oppressive Qatari regime.”

Qatar has been in trouble with the administration over subsidizing its Qatar Airways and flooding U.S. routes in violation of an open-skies agreement that shuns subsidized airlines.

The “believability” poll tested three anti-Qatar messages and the one mentioning the CNN report topped the charts.

It read: “The nation of Qatar is paying national security analysts, and specifically those working for CNN, who are speaking out positively on their behalf and not disclosing they are being paid by Qatar.”

It was the “most effective” message in the poll.

What’s more, it was the top message among Democrats and independents, two groups that have long supported CNN.

Republicans chose, instead, a message about American jobs being lost to the subsidized Qatar Airways.

The poll also found support for Trump retaliating against Qatar for violating the open-skies agreement. Those results:

  • Two-thirds of voters support efforts to stop Qatar Airways from violating international agreements (66%), which is strongest in Florida (71%) and Iowa (69%). Support is strongest among Republicans (79%), conservatives (77%), and voters without a college education but make over $75,000 (76%).
  • Though overall support did not adjust, invoking the president’s name caused partisanship support to increase (Republicans 82%, conservatives 80%). Support is now highest among voters in Florida (71%), Wisconsin (71%), and Iowa (70%).
  • Nearly half of all voters would be more favorable of the president (45%), with one-third claiming it would make no difference (14%). Less than one-fifth would become less favorable (14%). A plurality of all states would have a more favorable impression.
  • Two-thirds agree that immediate action must be taken by the president (67%) with a majority “strongly” agreeing (54%). Support is strongest in Florida (73%) and Wisconsin (71%).

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