
Chris Wilson Joins MSNBC to Discuss the Ongoing Impeachment Investigation — Aired 11/05/19

Chris Wilson Joins Dana Perino on Fox News to Discuss the Latest Developments in the Impeachment Inquiry and the 2020 Election — Aired 11/05/19

Chris Wilson Joins Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Twitter Banning Political Ads and the 2020 Election — Aired 11/5/19

Chris Wilson Joins Neil Cavuto on Fox Business to Discuss McDonald’s Firing their CEO — Aired 11/04/19

Chris Wilson Joins Neil Cavuto on Fox Business to Discuss the Stock Market and the Impeachment Inquiry — Aired 11/04/19

Chris Wilson Joins Kennedy on Fox Business to Discuss Recent Polls, Joe Biden, and 2020 – Aired 10/31/2019

Chris Wilson Discusses President Trump and Recent Polling — Published 10/31/2019

Trump faces severe suburban slump
Reid Wilson
The Hill
October 29, 2019

“The problem with doing these kinds of polls now is that they offer voters a choice between Trump, who is incredibly well defined, and some imaginary Democratic nominee who they can imbue with whatever characteristics and proposals they would like best. That’s just not reality,” said Chris Wilson, a Republican pollster.

“One part of the winning Trump coalition is giving these voters the clear choice between a president whose rhetorical style may turn them off but who has a solid record on taxes and the economy and the kind of far-left policy ideas that an Elizabeth Warren or other Democratic nominee is likely to have endorsed,” Wilson said. “The other element of the winning Trump coalition is further cementing both margins and turnout in rural and exurban areas.”

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Chris Wilson Talks Independents & Impeachment — Published by The Hill on 10/24/2019

Independents warm to impeachment
Jonathan Easley
The Hill
October 24, 2019

“We’ve now reached the point where opinions on impeachment and removal are pretty well correlated with overall approval of the president’s job performance. This includes left-leaning independents who now support impeachment and removal,” said Chris Wilson, a GOP pollster and president of WPA Intelligence.

“This is a shift from where things stood pre-Ukraine, but doesn’t really show much of a shift from where things were once that news was fully digested. It will take a lot bigger of a move either with independents, which would be evidence that right-leaning independents were beginning to shift, or among Republicans to change the fundamental political calculus surrounding impeachment, which is that the House probably has the votes to impeach the president … but the Senate is highly unlikely to remove him.”

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Michael Cohen, Ph.D. Provides Opinion on How Ukraine Scandal Effects President Trump — Published 10/23/19

Ukraine Scandal Highlights Biden’s Young Voter Woes

By Mariana Barillas, Sinclair Broadcast Group
Wednesday, October 23rd 2019

WASHINGTON (SBG) –Joe Biden’s frontrunner status for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination appears increasingly shaky in the wake of an impeachment inquiry was launched after President Donald Trump asked Ukraine to dig up dirt on the former vice president.

The elder Biden was the Obama Administrations “point man” for Ukraine policy while his son Hunter secured a board position for a gas company in the country despite lacking any energy expertise. Both Bidens have denied any wrongdoing, but have struggled to respond to the impressions of impropriety.

Democratic strategist Scott Ferson argued that though the “unseemly” revelation may not be enough in itself to sink the campaign as primary voters outside of the Beltway are more concerned about issues like health care and booting Trump out of office “I think Ukraine is the latest in a long line of problems that Biden has had.”

“I would argue that [Trump’s] issues with Ukraine are actually more substantively serious than Joe Biden’s because he might be impeached over it. If [Biden] were just the former vice president, I don’t know if he would be asked about this every day but he’s running for president,” said Ferson in an interview with Sinclair Broadcast Group.

Even before the scandal, Biden’s years of experience in the nation’s capital have persistently been used by his more green competitors on the Democratic debate stage to paint him as a swamp creature. And that impression, especially among the young adults who are predicted to be a key voting block for Democrats this election cycle, has only been reinforced by the Ukraine revelations.

Eduardo Neret, a correspondent for conservative watchdog group Campus Reform, found that when he talked to the University of Miami students that most were unsurprised that those close to the former vice president may have personally benefited from their connections to him.

Weekly poll Chegg/College Pulse Election Tracker shows that among college students Biden has persistently trailed behind Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., suffering a major drop over the summer corresponding with a rise in support for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. That suggests Biden’s problems, especially for this demographic, are deeper than what he and his son did or didn’t do in Ukraine. Compared to previous generations young adults are much more cynical of not just political leaders but of the system itself, according to a major Pew Research Survey released in August.

Michael Cohen, chief strategist for Republican campaign consultants WPA Intelligence, argues that the anti-establishment mood of the country is why Trump’s approval rating hasn’t been noticeably impacted by the Ukraine scandal. Although the number of people who support his impeachment and removal has grown to about half the country, their responses are still largely along partisan lines.

“You have to understand that a lot of Trump voters are not very political,” said Cohen. “They don’t really follow every minor or major scandal. On top of that, they are very loyal and defensive of him.” Cohen asserted that if Democrats don’t move their inquiry quickly toward impeachment and a real trial to make their case to the American people, they risk the many voters in key regions tuning them out.

“The president is not going to be removed unless something dramatically changes here. The rest of this is just giving him an opportunity to say ‘yep, they tried to beat me at the ballot box, they tried to beat me by impeachment and I’m still here working for you,’” said Cohen.

Ferson said that a “Democrat has won the popular vote in the last six of seven presidential contents; we only lost the popular vote in 2004. So we don’t have a voter appeal problem among Democrats, we have an electoral problem” in areas of the country Trump took in 2016. Ferson said the election is going to be about whether a Democrat “make the case of being a reasonable alternative to the majority of voters against President Trump.”

“Ultimately, I think the vote-whether he wins or loses-is going to be a referendum on Donald Trump, which is probably exactly what he likes since it would be about him,” said Ferson.

Read the full article here.

Michael Cohen, Ph.D. Provides Opinion on How Tulsi Gabbard Will Fair in the 2020 Election — Published 10/22/19

Pushing back against Clinton comments, Gabbard takes on ‘corrupt elite’ Dems

By Stephen Loiaconi
Monday, October 21 2019

WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) — Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, touted former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s recent criticism of her Monday as she fights to keep her bid for the party’s 2020 nomination alive and qualify for the next primary debate.

“If you’re sick of the new McCarthyism and warmongering by Hillary and her cohorts, then join our campaign. We need your support. Democrat, Republican, Independent — it doesn’t matter. We need to unite to usher in a govt which is of, by, and for the people!” Gabbard tweeted Monday, along with a clip from an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show and a link to donate to her campaign.
Gabbard made several similar appeals over the weekend, including a two-minute video in which she claimed she is under attack by Clinton and “her rich and powerful friends” because she endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders over the former secretary of state in the 2016 primaries.

“They will not intimidate us. They will not silence us. We are not here just to protest their corruption. I am running for president to take the Democratic Party and our country back from the corrupt elite,” Gabbard said in the video.

The congresswoman, a veteran of the Iraq War who quit her position as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee to back Sanders in 2016, has aggressively pushed back against comments Clinton made in a podcast interview released Thursday. Speaking to David Plouffe, who was former President Barack Obama’s campaign manager, Clinton suggested Republicans defeated her by taking advantage of a third-party campaign by Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein and warned they may do so again.

“They’re also going to do third party again, and I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” Clinton said.

Clinton did not name names, but her comments have been widely understood as a reference to Gabbard, and a Clinton spokesman has confirmed that is who she was talking about. Spokesman Nick Merrill has also stressed that the “grooming” remark was an allegation against Republicans–not Russia, as some have reported–but Clinton did suggest Gabbard is a Kremlin asset.

“She’s the favorite of the Russians,” she told Plouffe of the potential third-party challenger. “They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far. That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset. Yeah, she’s a Russian asset, totally.”

Gabbard initially fired back on Twitter Friday, calling Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.” She also claimed the 2020 Democratic primary is now “between you and me” and dared Clinton to enter the race.

The congresswoman got some unsolicited support from President Donald Trump, who tweeted Saturday night, “Hillary’s gone Crazy!”

“She’s accusing everyone of being a Russian agent. These people are sick. There’s something wrong with them,” Trump told reporters during a Cabinet meeting Monday.

Several of Gabbard’s fellow 2020 candidates have also come to her defense, chiding Clinton for floating an explosive allegation without evidence.

“I don’t know what the basis is for that. I consider her a competitor. I respect her service… I would prefer we had arguments in terms of policy,” said South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“The Democratic establishment has got to stop smearing women it finds inconvenient! The character assassination of women who don’t toe the party line will backfire,” said Marianne Williamson.

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke rejected the suggestion that Gabbard is being “groomed” by anyone.

“She’s her own person, obviously has served this country and continues to serve this country in uniform, in Congress, as a candidate for the presidency,” he told reporters. “And so, I think those facts speak for themselves.”

That said, Clinton is far from the first person to lodge such allegations against Gabbard. The congresswoman complained at last week’s primary debate about “completely despicable” media reports depicting her as a Russian asset, and some experts see valid reasons to believe she is Moscow’s favored candidate, whether she knows it or not.

Since Gabbard announced her campaign, she has been hounded by reports of Russian bots and trolls promoting her candidacy online. An NBC News analysis in February found she was receiving far more coverage than better-known candidates on Russia-based news outlets RT and Sputnik News.

That disproportionate Russian media coverage has continued, as have other indications the forces that attempted to influence the 2016 election on behalf of the Kremlin are now backing Gabbard. According to The Wall Street Journal, a clip of Gabbard confronting Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., during the second primary debate in July was boosted using the hashtag #KamalaHarrisDestroyed by hundreds of Twitter accounts with “questionable characteristics.”

However, despite suspicions from the media and the Harris campaign, Twitter said it found no evidence of “bot activity” amplifying the hashtag. In an interview with Rolling Stone in August, Gabbard rejected accusations of Russian support as a “pathetic” and “ridiculous” smear campaign.

The Russian embassy’s Twitter account defending Gabbard against criticism for her controversial views on Syria likely did not help dispel those concerns. She has repeatedly denounced the “regime change war” against Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, has expressed skepticism about accusations that he used chemical weapons, and has refused to apologize for meeting with Assad in 2017.

“I will never apologize for doing all that I can to prevent more of my brothers and sisters from being sent into harm’s way, to fight counter-productive regime-change wars that make our country less safe, that take more lives, and that cost taxpayers trillions more dollars,” Gabbard said in an interview with CNN after Sen. Harris called her an “apologist” for Assad during the July debate. “So, if that means meeting with a dictator, or meeting with an adversary, absolutely. I would do it.”

That does not make her a Russian asset, but it does put her at odds with the broad consensus in Washington that Assad is a war criminal who cannot be trusted.

“The most significant suspicion would be on her openness to working with Assad, and that essentially is a bipartisan concern,” said Michael Cohen, chief strategy officer for Republican polling and data firm WPA Intelligence.

Gabbard, who is still a major in the Army National Guard, has often cited her military experience in explaining her desire to get the U.S. out of conflicts in the Middle East, but critics say her positions align with Russian and Syrian talking points. In some cases, they are also not significantly different from Trump’s foreign policy views, which does not sit well with some Democrats.

“There are Democrats who, like her, take a non-interventionist approach to foreign policy,” said Bob Mann, a former Senate press secretary and author of “Becoming Ronald Reagan: The Rise of a Conservative Icon.” “But Gabbard’s approach is one that’s more strictly isolationist, with a touch of dictator-coddling thrown in. That’s too much like Trump for many Democrats.”

Trump invited Gabbard to meet at Trump Tower during his transition in 2016 for what she described as a “frank and positive” conversation about Syria, ISIS, and other foreign policy matters. At the time, she said she took the meeting in hopes of convincing the president-elect not to listen to “the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating” to overthrow the Syrian government.

“From her warm embrace of Russian ally Bashar Assad to her proudly touting her meeting with Donald Trump immediately after the 2016 election, Tulsi has earned a reputation of being less-than-trustworthy among most Democrats,” said Hamza Khan, a Democratic strategist and founder of the Pluralism Project.

Gabbard’s isolationist stance has won her support from some surprising places, including the alt-right. She has at times received praise from former Trump strategist Stephen Bannon, white nationalist Richard Spencer, and evangelist Franklin Graham. According to The New York Times, she has also become a favorite of right-wing trolls and anti-Semites on 4chan and the Daily Stormer.

She has sought to distance herself from the far-right extremists who have gravitated toward her, denouncing former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke when he seemingly endorsed her earlier this year.

“I have strongly denounced David Duke’s hateful views and his so-called ‘support’ multiple times in the past, and reject his support,” Gabbard said in February, accusing those talking about the subject of trying to distract from her anti-interventionist message.

President Trump suggested Monday the Clinton controversy has benefited Gabbard’s campaign, and there is evidence it has. Gabbard has picked up nearly 100,000 new Twitter followers since Friday, and her scathing response to Clinton has earned her extensive free media coverage.

“She’s not having much impact on the race,” Mann said. “Her poll numbers are quite low, and most people don’t know who she is. After Clinton attacked her, more people will know her. She’s probably not too disappointed with all this attention.”

The burst of national media interest comes at a critical moment in the Democratic primary race. Gabbard has qualified for three of the four debates so far, but she needs to clear the threshold set by the DNC in three more polls to make it into the next one in November.

“While Tulsi Gabbard will likely see a small bump in support from fervent anti-Clintonistas within the Democratic Party, it is doubtful that this will evolve into a strong enough base for her to qualify for the next debate,” Khan said. “Her campaign has been plagued with problems from the very start.”

Cohen expects any gain Gabbard sees from the dustup to be short-lived, and he doubts this gets her any closer to winning in Iowa or New Hampshire.

“She’ll probably be a story for about a week before we move on to something else… Like any campaign, you take the gifts when they come to you,” he said.

Even if Clinton’s “Russian asset” remarks overstepped the facts, the underlying concern about a third party spoiler candidacy by Gabbard, Stein, or someone else is not entirely unfounded. Stein and Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson drew enough votes in key states in 2016 to potentially have made a difference. However, polls suggest their voters would have been split between Clinton, Trump, and just staying home if they were not in the race.

“That’s surely the main reason for Clinton’s attacks on her,” Mann said. “She’s not a real contender for the nomination, so Clinton must be worried that she might be the Jill Stein of the 2020 election.”

Shining a spotlight on Gabbard as she flounders in the Democratic race may not be the best way to avert that. Also, questioning the loyalty of a sitting member of Congress and military veteran based on nebulous evidence has generated some blowback against Clinton from the right and the left.

“This is Hillary Clinton punching down and thinking she can get away with it, and in this case she just didn’t,” Cohen said.

Khan was less troubled by the blunt accusation, and despite Gabbard’s assurance that she does not intend to run as a third-party candidate, he cautioned Democrats against underestimating her.

“Rather than the smoke and mirrors that dominated the 1990s, politicians are now free to speak with transparency about the issues and their disposition to one another,” he said. “The question really is: how fragile are the egos in play? In the case of Tulsi Gabbard, very—and that is dangerous.”

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