Registered voters classified as disengaged, that is, fairly unlikely to vote and lacking strong opinions.
Party Segments
Registered voters classified as Get Out The Vote targets. Lower turnout score than ITB, but if they vote, they will likely vote their respective party.
Registered voters classified as In-The-Bank voters. Party Base: high turnout probability and high ballot score.
Registered voters whose ballot score falls in the middle and have medium to high turnout scores. Requires some convincing.
Registered voters classified as “shore up” targets. Closer to the middle in ballot score, but worth some campaign outreach.
Voters whose modeled party score has changed since the 2016 election. GOP to Ind, Dem to GOP, Ind to GOP, etc.
Voters who have switched their party registration since the 2016 election. GOP to Ind, Dem to GOP, Ind to GOP, etc.
Voters who believe that the Democratic party is becoming more socialist.