Author Archives: WPA Intelligence

Chris Wilson Joins Newsmax to Discuss Hillary Clinton as Bloomberg’s Potential VP — Aired 02/17/20

Chris Wilson Joins Newsmax to Discuss the Impact of the New Hampshire Primary — Aired 02/11/2020

Chris Wilson Joins Newsmax to Discuss the Winners and Losers of the Iowa Caucuses — Aired 02/07/2020

The Icosahedron #6 ft. Bryon Allen, Ph.D. on the Iowa Caucuses

Thanks for reading our newsletter. In the wake of Monday’s first-in-the-nation debacle, Dr. Bryon Allen, Chief Research Officer, reminds us of why Iowa matters and how the character of each state’s primaries and caucuses should reflect each state’s sensibilities. It’s … Read More

A Bipartisan Analysis of Last Night’s Debate on Twitter and Google Search — Published 01/15/2020

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Chris Wilson Joins Newsmax to Discuss the Iowa Caucuses — Aired 01/13/2020

Chief Strategy Officer Michael Cohen, Ph.D. joins 1210AM The Man to Discuss the 2020 Presidential Election and the Impeachment Process

Dunham and Company 2020 Ministry Summit: Bridging the Gap

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Chris Wilson Joins Kennedy on Fox Business to Discuss Andrew Yang’s Comments about the Democrat Primary Process — Aired 12/30/2019

Chris Wilson Joins Kennedy on Fox Business to Discuss Recent Polls and the Democrat Primary Candidates — Aired 12/12/2019