Author Archives: WPA Intelligence

Wilson Talks Trump 2020 on Fox & Friends

POLL: Dan Bishop Commands Lead in NC-09 Republican Special Primary Election

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Wilson Talks Democratic Debate Debacle on Kennedy

Wilson Discusses the Economy on Bloomberg TV

Wilson Discusses Barr’s Testimony with Cavuto on Fox Business

Chris Wilson ALEC Speech

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Wilson Discusses Biden’s 2020 Campaign on ANHQ

WPAi Wins Big at 2019 CampaignTech Awards

Last night, Chris Wilson, CEO of WPA Intelligence (WPAi), was named Technology Leader of the Year by Campaigns & Elections. During the 2018 cycle, Wilson led WPAi’s team as they developed technology tools and products for races at all levels of politics. Under his … Read More

Wilson Discusses Fox Polls with Cavuto on Fox Business

Wilson Talks Trump’s 2020 Digital Strategy on Fox & Friends